Opportunities & Constraints

September 2023 Project Update

More than 1,500 people responded to the first Mark West Creek Regional Park & Open Space Preserve survey! Thank you for sharing your voice in this process. We have developed a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) you and other members of the public posed in the first survey, along with our responses, for your review.

As part of the master planning process, Sonoma County Regional Parks and our consultant, Environmental Sciences Associates, have put your input to use in an Opportunities & Constraints Memorandum describing possibilities and considerations for the Preserve’s future visitor amenities derived from our site analysis and public input gathered to date. The Memorandum explores the types of opportunities and constraints that must be considered under Sonoma County Ag + Open Space’s conservation easement for capital improvements, as well management of the natural and cultural resources of the Preserve. These are organized into 4 categories: visitor facilities; emergency response and management access; the trail system; and environmental protection, habitat improvements, and climate resilience. This document provides baseline information to prepare conceptual design alternatives for the Preserve.

Next Steps

We are inviting you to review this Opportunities & Constraints Memorandum and provide your input to shape three conceptual design alternatives for the Preserve. This 5-minute video explains how your survey response pertaining to topics covered in the Memorandum will guide what visitor amenities are included in the conceptual design alternatives:

After you have reviewed the Opportunities & Constraints Memorandum, submit your comments in this survey!

SCRP thanks you for lending your voice and perspective so we can prepare meaningful conceptual design alternatives for the Preserve for your review and feedback this summer.

Link to Survey